Sunday, September 26, 2010

cane ?

Hello ppl Hello readers Hello stalker ;)
weekend yg sgt membosankan :/
dr pagi dok termenung,pk bukan2,naik Semak otak 
so 2day mcm tergerak hati nak bercerita about kwn & kekasih
which 1 is more important ?
Mati ke kite kalau tak ade kawan ?
Mati ke kite kalau tak ade kekasih ?
bg aku kawan terima kite seadanya,walaup buruk,gemuk,bodoh mcm mn pn kite,kawan gak yg sedia mendengar cerita suke & duke kite
bkn senang nak cari kawan mcm tu
banyak jek kawan yg PLASTIC
bersepah jek kwn yg SELFISH
merata2 jek kawan yg TIKAM BELAKANG
Senang jek nak wat drama dgn kawan2 ni kan , depan2 kipas smpai kering peluh , tapi belakang2 amek pisau terus tikam jek, Tak cerita bnyk punyer !! 
ouccch ,mcm yg aku sedang alami sekarang ni laa kan , kawan tak suke BF aku
katenye aku SAILANG org punyer
katanye aku Lupe kwn2 bile ade kasih syg
GOSIP2 !! LIAR betul gosip tuh
pedih nye telinga aku,sakitnye hati aku
Cane ?
weii !! Grow up plzzz 
korank dah kenal aku berbelas tahun kot
dah mcm2 benda kan kite buat
So ?
korank percaya ke pd Gosip tuh ?
tahu tak korank betapa sakitnye hati aku
betapa seksanye keadaan aku sekarang
depan BF
belakang KAWAN
so howww laaaa ?
ape yg korank nak aku wat ?
Hell yeah*
Gosh* meleleh air mata aku doohh !!
Beratnye dugaan
seksanye ujian
tapi aku REDHA jek laa weii 
bg la aku mase untuk jernih kan yg mn2 kotor tuh
aku doakan 1 hari nanti pintu hati korank akan terbukak tok pk yg mn LOGIK dan yg mn tak

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

i called her " FREAK" ok !

terbaca dekat status si minah ni,dia kate aku sibodoh yg xsedar diri dok terhengeh2 kat laki org..oucccch plzzz,xheran kot!aku dgn laki kau dr kecik bestfwen okey perempuan!

kau lagey bodoh SEBAB takkan ada org pandai kalau takda org bodoh. (semua pernah jadi bodoh ..bukan lahir terus pandai baca kot!) so ? GOT IT ? kau saiko duhhh ! itu jek yg aku ley cakap..

Kau jek yg xsedar diri xbagi laki kau kawan dgn aku SEBAB laki kau akan menangkan aku dlm ape kes sekali pn SEBAB kau mulut longkang ! FACT kan ?

Aku cume xberapa faham dgn SIKAP kau yg xpernah berubah tuh SEBAB dr sekola sampai sekarang ni kau tetap nak jd MUSUH no 1 aku,anyway TAHNIAH laa SEBAB ranking no 1 dr duluuu kottt !

Aku actly KESIAN dgn kau SEBAB muke kau cantik dohhh TAPI hati kau busuk mcm SAMPAH kot ! wei salah ke boifren kau anta msg kat aku nak tnye KABAR jek,then kau baca TERUS nak serang aku ! Berani kau kan ! bongekkk !

Kau tahu SEBAB ape aku marah sgt ?? SEBAB kau anta msg kat aku cakap aku betina pelacur kn ! kau tggu jek aku jumpe kau 1 hari nanti ! baru kau akan tahu akibatnye okey?


beware of me okey shantek !

Monday, September 20, 2010

the cycle

Wake* work* home* eat* sleep* 
This cycle keeps on and on 
As the time it takes is so long 
Wake, work, home, eat sleep 

Saturday, September 18, 2010


*sila pergi jauh 
*sila pergi sekarang
sakit kepala
*adehs,sila berambus

siksanya berperasaan mcm ni
semak nye
rimas yg teramat sgt

kenapa dgn kau ni tina?
ap yg kau dah buat ni ?

*sila kembali
gelak tawa
*sila ceriakan aku

aku tak mahu gado lagey
aku tak mahu ade misunderstanding
runsing laaa
sumpaaaaahhh !
plz plz plz
kembalikan kebahagiaan !!

sy mintak maap otey :/

saya tahu semua ni salah saya
saya sakitkan hati awk lagey kan
saya tak berniat tok tipu awk
saya gak tak berniat nak rahsia kan sesuatu dr awk
semua nya ade sebab,
mgkin awak tak akan tahu selamanya
sebab saya tak pernah terfikir pn nak bg tahu awk
saya takot awk marah
saya takot awk cakap mcm2 kat saya
biarlah rahsia awk
biarlah sy tanggong semua benda ni sensorang
saya tak nak awak banyak pk
saya tak nak awak susah hati
saya nak tengok awk selalu gembira
awk plz maafkan sy ?
satu hari nanti awk akn tahu kebenaranya okey ?
plz eh maafkan segala kesilapan sy :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

pishang & hati :)

Jangan letak pisang dalam beg. Jangan simpan kebencian, dendam kesumat dan apa-apa yang mazmumah dalam hati. Macam pisang yg makin membusuk, begitu juga hati !

yeke ke ?
deal wid it ?
setuju ke ?
betul ke ?
urgh !

kalau kita simpan perasaan benci pada orang lain dalam hati. Bau busuk kebencian itu akan mencemari hati dan kita akan membawanya ke mana saja kita pergi. Jika kamu sendiri tidak boleh tahan dengan bau pisang busuk hanya untuk seminggu, cuba bayangkan apa akan jadi kalau kamu simpan kebencian sepanjang hidup !

tapi !!

arghhh itulah yg terbaik kan?daripada kite membebel mcm org meroyan,ary2 nak kena ingat sumthing yg kite xsuke kat sume org,lame2 org tuh pn naik rimas,so better kite simpan jek dlm haty,biarla kite sorang jek yg tahu,nanti smpai mase nye org tuh akan tahu gak kan kan kan !

herm wtv laaaaa !!

p/s :Kemaafan adalah yang terbaik. Menyayangi lebih baik darpada membenci. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

dont judge please !

Hello, ladies & gentlemen! i wont judge you,so plz don't judge me okey ? ;) What gives you the right to judge me,In things that I say and I do?What gives you the right to judge me,Just because I am different to you? Our opinions and views may differ,But it doesn't mean that I am wrong,Just because I am different to you. I'm not always be who you wish me to be,I might not do what you'd want me to do,But I am happy with who I am,I like being different to you..!

p/s : who are to judge me ? ouch plzzzz !!!! stop judging okey :) 

Saturday, September 11, 2010

kosong :(

tak tahu bila akan berakhirnya sengsara ini
pedih yg amat memedihkan
sakit yg amat meyakitkan

aku menulis sekarang
aku berfikir sekarang
kerana aku mempunyai banyak waktu
otak aku kosong
hati aku sepi

tak siapa mendegar tangisan aku
tak siapa cuba membantu aku
tapi aku tetap tegar berdiri
walaupn hati merintih pedih
dugaan yg aku rasa amat berat
sampai bila akan aku bertahan?
sampai bila aku harus begini ?

dunia meminta aku bersabar
dunia meminta aku teruskan kehidupan
walaupun ape yg terjadi
tapi kuatkah aku ?

aku belajar mensyukuri hakikat meredhai rahmat
aku belajar menzikiri kesabaran
bahawa setiap ketentuan ada hikmahnya
Setiap kejadian pasti ada keindahannya

Tuhan sengaja mengurniakan derita ini
Supaya aku mensyukuri nikmat kelebihannya

currently mood : fuckin sad !

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oh shittttttttttttttttttt !!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Hello my Lovely readers :) happy aidilfitri to ya'll...
how fast the day have move seemed only yesterday we have started fasting..alhamdulilah SYAWAL bertemu kite lageeyy :) yeeeay RAYA !! raya !! raya !! lets celebrate the "BIG DAY" 
and lets "RENEW" kesilapan physically and spiritually :D
so to all my peeps,my enemy,my lovely readers & to all muslim
Sambutlah aidilfitri ini dgn ceria
Bebaskan segala duka okeeey :)

p/s : for who those who are" balik kampung" happy holiday & Drive Safe! 


Monday, September 6, 2010

Everything happens for a reason (",)

Sometimes ppl come into ur life and you know rite away that they were meant to be there…to serve some sort of purpose, TEACH you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be but you lock eyes with them, you know that very moment that they will AFFECT ur life in some profound way

And sometimes things happen to you at the time that may seem HORRIBLE, PAINFUL and UNFAIR, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would never realize your potential, strength, will power or heart

Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of LUCK. ILLNESS, LOVE, LOST moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test limits of your soul

Without these small TESTS, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere safe and comfortable but dull and utterly POINTLESS

The ppl you meet affect ur life. The successes and downfalls that you experience can create whom you are, and the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact they are probably the most poignant and important ones. If someone hurts youbetrays you or breaks ur heart, forgive them because they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open ur heart

If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but also because they are teaching you to love and open your heart and eyes to little things. Make every day count. Appreciate everything that you possibly can, for you may never experience it again

Talk to people whom you have never talked to before, and actually listen. Let yourself fall in love, break free and set your sights high. Hold you head up because you have every right to.
Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you. Create your own life and then go out and live it.

magic !

it’s hard for two people to love each other
when they live in two different worlds
but when these two world collide and become one
that’s what you call…

super duper buSy ^_*

this week such a bad week bg aku ! demmmmmit.Brrrrr..i facing wid my BEBAN keje yg sgt TERRIBLE doooooh...under pressure + hangen KUS2 dalam badan aku yg tak menentu neyh..syioood wats wrong wimme..aiyakkk gylak aku dibuat nyer mcm ni,STRESS lagey sbb i dunno how 2 losing my weight..maaaachibai,how laaaa,setiap org yg jumpe aku,mesty ckp "aiyooo nok sdh tarak mantap lagey laa "damnnnn u,i WILL try my BEST otey korank..jus wait and U WILL SEE,ngeeeeeeh...i'm not LOSER,itu sgt pasti..! ahahaha..


Sunday, September 5, 2010

from me toooo you

When I speak to you, know that I'm sincere with my words.I'll try in the best way I can to show you that I need you bad. Look me in the eyes and tell me you understand.But if you don't understand, then you'll never know the true meaning of my words.

I wont repeat myself, and I'll be fluent with my thoughts, like these ones that I'm writing down.I'm open for you, and its crazy because it all happened so fast.I'm living in the moment because I fear what the future might bring. Listen to me so you know that I'm real.

But don't just listen and then forget. Know that my words are one of a kind. I'm trying my hardest. I need you to compose on all of the past. Live in the moment with me, so we can start off on a new path.

argh !!

currently im not in de rite mood !!

daaaammmmmmmmnnnnn It !!!

I don't know what's happening anymore.
It's all a mess of emotions

nur hanayatie :D

hana senget :)
happy birhday sayang !
hope all ur birthday dreams and wishes come true
remember this
not just a year older, but a year better oraiteeeee =D
sayang kau bodoh
rindu kau senget
sorry tak dapat baling telur kat taman :P

Miss lagey ;(

I'm staring at your picture now :(
i miss you sooooooo BADLY otey
No words can explain the way I feel about that

I'm missing you like crazy :(


Saturday, September 4, 2010

break fasting wid the T&T =)

28hb august 2010
the teteks & the telors
ILY guys !

we share,we laugh,we cried,we fight n we doing crazy stuff !
whooop whooop =)
I miss all of you otey
hottest organizer =D
besties :)
sofeyawwwww !!
i love you damn fuckin much NonokS 

bored :(

fuckin bored

i sit here doing nothing 
there is nothing to doooooo !

no place toooo Goooo
no one tooooo See


i need help



kenapa in the beginning of relationship everthing can be sweet & may seem perfect ! lumrah hidup..baru2 kenal,keep call keep msg,tp bile tahap bosan nak make 1 call daily pn ssh,nak send a text pn berat jek tgn..padahal bg aku tiap2 hari call tiap2 hari text msg,makin syg la kite nanti..kaan!kenapa baru2 kenal pandai jaga perasaan,acah2 terima kite seadanya tp bile lame kenal suke nak maki hamun tiap2 hari..hagin tak chantek la kononya.atehs,sume org ade angin tersendiri kot,chilek kan!kenapa baru2 kenal hari2 say I love U,tp lame2 kenal xucap2 langsung!haish,konon ego la tak nak tunjukan ..bullshit!kenapa baru2 kenal konon2 nya mcm penting perasaan si die,i can't live without you la konon,i never let u go...haaaaaik tuiih !lame2 kenal mule jd selfish bastard!penting kan perasaan sendiri,gado sikit mule la ungkit ckp "u tak fhm i"..wattafuck duh?sume org ade perasaan yg same otey,soooo jgn nak jd penjual ikan sgt..manusia kan mmg mcm tuh,bkn ckp kat seseorg,tp i cakap pd diri i sendiri gak.manusi akan hargai bile benda dah tak ade dpn mata..bile kehilangan die baru menyesal..that y org tua2 cakap " dah terhantuk smpai berdarah kepala baru nak sedar own mistakes" atoiyaaaaiii ! bile pasangan tak setia,don't ever blame others! checked urself 1st,betul ke ape yg anda buat selama ni..senang jek,perosak segala dlm every relation adalah ego! wooooaah ego bullshit! ego xboleh menguntungkan,merugikan lagey adelaaa,sooo campak jek kat sg ! haruuuus pn buang jauh2..tak salah tunjukan kite syg kat sum1 tuh..biar la org nak kata kite ni menunjuk2 ke ape ke,ape yg kite wat selalunya untuk kebaikan diri kite sendiri,bukan untuk org pikir pikir kan laaa 

The only way to kill an  ego =D
(It's hard, but you must try)
Is to open your mouth, take a deep breath
And firmly say, "Good-bye!"
ahahahahah !