Friday, December 31, 2010

twenty third ALREADY :)

ALLAH Selamat kan saya , ALLAH selamat kan saya , ALLAH selamat kan kartini bt abu hassan :)

Yeah , Bersyukur coz i'm stil alive :) ALHAMDULILAH ..


FIRST : That days was awesome , I've mini celebration wid my Lovely family , Thanks mom for the choclate cakes ;) I really appriciated that & thnks to all guys for nice birthday wishes .. im spechless otey !

Sunway LagoooOn yaw , last celebration & we have a greatest fun yabebabedoooooo :)

FIVETH : Just simple note to me :) Dear my self , One year older , HAPPY BELATED BUFDAY to you :) You earn to have all your wishes And all of your fancies come true .. keep in mind that the past doesnt label who you're going to be,just learn from that , u must doing better :) keep trying tina & prove it that u can !

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

kemarahan la !

Erm , sori kepada makcek pakcek , muslimin & muslimat yg sgt terasa pada entry aku kali ni ye..oh lupe,blog aku ye terpulang la kat aku nak maki ke nak marah ke nak ape ke.aku pn ade perasaan mcm korank2 juga & SO ? boleh aku teruskan ? hohohoh , boleh ye dokk..

1.Aku nak korank tahu bahawasanye kawan makan kawan ni adalah benda yg sgt jijik , faham ? atau dlm erti kata lain nye fuckin backstabber! u r gud-for-nothing otey, jgn nak berlagak sana sini mcm kau tuh hebat sgt la wei , ingat asl usul boleh ? kau dgn aku dlm 1 kategori yg same..

2.Hidup kite ni bkn nak puaskan ati sume org atau maksudnye , bkn sume benda yg kite suke org pn turut suke atau ta faham lagey ? means , citarasa kite lain , perangai kite lain , selera kite lain .. so ta akan sume benda nak follow up pale otak ko tuh , abeh pale otak aku nak campak mane? pajak gadai ka ?

3.Aku ta faham la kenapa perlu act yg ko ni acah2 baek la bagai padahal ko pn same gak. jahat sane sini , jahat mulut la bagai .. hohohoh , senang jek der .. lu ta puas ati dgn gua , lu kasi hadap wa dulu , jgn cilita belakang2 wa la , wa jadi panassss jek dgr ...


P/S : mulut jangan longkang sgt , kasi cuci gune clorox sikit okeh & 1 more entry psl bufday is coming soon okey .. waiting for me blogger :) daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Before the clock strikes 12 :)

Anyway , at midnite tonite i turned 23rd yaw :) I've grown a year more..yeah , im getting older..oicccch , but im stil look younger ..hehe , its okey age is just a number kan..Another day older,more pages added to my folder.I'm glad of whom I am today,I would not have myself any other way.So don't mind that I write my own birthday rhyme :) hepy up coming bufday to me :)  I wish i could be more strong , no matter what !

p/s : NAK ADIAH okey ... :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010


kalau kite ditemukan dgn org JAHAT, jGn anggap kita MULIA,BAIK & SEMPURNA ..anggap la mungkin org jahat itu akan bertaubat pada masa akan dtg, jgn pandai nk nilai seseorg dr fizikalnyer ,sbb kita sendiri belum tahu mcm mn akhirnya kehidupan kite



pepatah melayu : Berakit-rakit ke hulu , Berenang-renang ketepian . Bersakit-sakit dahulu , bersenang-senang kemudian ...

maksudnye , sume benda bermula dr bawah , kite lahir jd baby dulu then makin lame makin besar , makin lame makin matang , FACT , kite jadi bodoh dulu baru kite jadi pandai , kite jadi kuli dulu baru kite jadi bos .. makin kite sabar , makin banyak nikmat , pengajaran & pengalaman yg kite dpt .. bia kite ssh dulu , sekurang2 nye kite tahu bersyukur , THAN senang berlimpah ruah tp ta bersyukur :) TYVM

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

first :)

 You're better hurting physically now, than mentally later :)

* Deal wit it ? or dislike ? however u like it or not , thats only my opinion .. TYVM :)

* For me this is TRUE bcoz ur physical pain MAY only last 10 minutes, your mental pain will last forever :)

* With physical pain you can get a doctors note and call it a day :)

* Mental pain stays with you for the rest of ur life depending on how bad the memory is pain is :)

P/S : The only way to deal with mental pain is to face the problem head on , try to get through it with yourself intact as much as possible and remember to never just give up :)

BUBYE ........

super duper BZ

hye blogger , sory if i neglected ya'all .. hehe (bajet hot stuff) .. super duper bz guys sampai tade mase nak blogging :P ..

p/s : pecah kace pecah gelas , sudah bace mesti panas punyeee :D